I help teachers master the art of navigating today's educational landscape without surrendering to overwork and overwhelm.

Flexibility. Energy.Time.

You crave them.

I can show you how to get there.

Do you fantasize about radical changes to feel better? Maybe you think switching careers, spouses, or even moving is the answer.

You might be thinking

  • If I change careers, I won’t be so stressed out and pissed off.

  • If I leave, I’ll have more energy and freedom.

  • If only I could have some free time for myself.

Does this sound familiar?

What if you knew how to release the stress, have more energy and more time for yourself without making any radical changes?  

It’s time to ditch feeling trapped, overwhelmed, tired and pissed off. Stop spinning in the BS, and start living life on your terms.

If not now, when? It’s a matter of your health and well-being.

My process is a simple, yet a highly effective way to combat the effects of your profession.

Feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, out of control? You’ve tried everything, but see no way out.

I help educators who are struggling in their day to day journey get results...

I inspire you to design a life you will love. You don’t have to settle anymore. It is possible to be happy in your job, marriage, and home-life without radical changes, without being stressed out and pissed off. Don’t waste another minute being miserable. It’s time to feel your freedom and have some fun.

What if you knew the secret behind your emotions? So you could stop asking for advice and trust yourself. 

The benefits of my programed “The Empowered Teacher: Living Your Best Life in and Out of the Classroom”, will help solve your problems. It’s like having a crystal ball and a best friend at your side. What’s it costing you to stay stuck, and under living your life? Are you ready for a shift? I can help you create a life lived on your terms with the space you want and need.

What are you waiting for? You’re craving flexibility, energy and time in your life, it’s time to fully show up and bet on yourself. You’ve got the winning ticket in your hand, you just don’t know it yet. This is your time to soar.

Hi I’m Lisa!

I’m a health and wellness facilitator for educators who want to feel good again. You tell yourself it will get better when… BUT, it never does. It’s not your fault, you were never given the tools to navigate the stress and overwhelm that accompany this profession.

I was searching for those tools so I could create flexibility, energy and more time in my life. I gave away years and countless dollars buying  all the books, programs, and courses, searching outside of myself for the the perfect self-help strategy that would give me the answers I needed. But nothing worked. Until I found life coaching and discovered my path to freedom. It’s not about changing everything else in your life, it’s about looking within and claiming your own personal power.  That’s my super power.

I can help you find your answers so you can understand the what, why and how of living a life without the ball and chain. I know you’re ready, it’s time to dive in.  

Invest in Yourself

Are you ready to feel empowered to take back your life again,

to be your BEST self?

That’s where I come in. I teach you the What, the Why and the How.

What is limiting your happiness?

Why you’re stuck in overwhelm, anger and stress.

How you can regain control of your life and feel good again.

You’ll learn the same methodology I used to find your path to freedom. I’ll guide you through the process that will completely change your life.

Stop waiting and complaining and start learning how to use this simple process to live a a life of freedom, flexibility and simple contentment.

Click below to get your free Quick Shift Strategy Session to see how I can help you.

Check out what clients have to say about working with me.


“The one thing I love about Lisa and her coaching is that you are pushing yourself to make BIG changes and Lisa makes you feel comfortable during this process.”



“Thanks to Lisa I have learned that my uniqueness is beneficial to my business, and if I can say something about her is that she is RESOLUTE in helping her clients.”

The 5-Step Action Plan is Yours FREE!

If you are a teacher that wants to feel happy in your life and job again, then click the button below.